Get The Gloss Box Reveal: Eyeko

We're launching a Limited Edition beauty box in collaboration with the health and beauty experts, Get The Gloss. We launched our first sneak peek here and now it's time to reveal the next! 

Looking for a new date night, girls night, or selfie-ready mascara? Look no further as we are treating you to Eyeko’s Black Magic Mascara, worth £19.00. 

Why do we love it?

This black magic mascara puts a new meaning into ‘Black Magic’... it’s good, really good! This mascara is specially designed for after-hours seduction, combining drama, volume and curls with a carbon-black finish, ensuring your lashes show off their full potential. The curvaceous brush lifts lashes for a 90-degree curl whilst remaining conditioned!

How do we use it?

Apply after you have finished the rest of your make-up, and apply right from the root to tip of the lashes for a full lash look. Remember.. always do tighten that lid when popping back in your handbag or beauty bag to avoid black smudges everywhere.

Our Limited Edition Box launches on 27.07.20 at 9am for VIP sign ups. Sign up now to get first dibs: