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Hydration In Skincare - The Myths Debunked

Skincare can sometimes feel like a minefield - there’s so many products, lotions, potions and 12-step skincare routines to follow, it can be hard to separate the truths from the spoofs. So, that’s where we come in. We’ve debunked five of the biggest hydration in skin care myths around, so take it from us and put an end to those skincare sins once and for all.

Monu Skin Moisturiser


Long hot showers are good for skin 

Most of us think long hot showers go hand in hand with super soft, hydrated skin (guilty). Actually, they attack our skin's natural protective barrier and strip it of its own natural oils, leaving it dry, itchy and irritated. Keeping your showers and baths lukewarm isn’t just beneficial for your water bill, but will also keep your skin healthy, hydrated and glowing. If you can brave it, ice cold showers are great for your skin, health, mood and even hair. But, after showering at any temperature, you must still remember to cleanse, tone and moisturise - MONUSKIN Revitalising Moisturiser* is perfect for normal and combination skin.

*In the February Roccabox / RRP £29.50. 

Never moisturise oily skin

One of the most common misconceptions about hydration in skin care is that oily skin shouldn’t be moisturised. Oils are caused by excess sebum production in the skin, regardless of hydration levels - and hydrated skin equals healthy skin. Moisturising oily can skin can seem counterintuitive, but ditching the moisturiser can dry out your skin and lead to your body overcompensating with excess oil production. The secret is to look for a water based moisturiser that will balance and refresh your skin, without clogging your pores. A lightweight gel formula is ideal - remember to check the ingredients first and make sure it’s free of oils before investing.

Drinking lots of water will keep skin hydrated

Now, drinking lots of water is still a definite beauty must-do - but your skin simply can’t get all the moisture it needs from your two litres a day. By the time that water has flushed through your intestines, to your bloodstream and out through your kidneys, there just isn’t enough left to reach the outer layers of your skin. Our skin is pretty rubbish at retaining moisture on its own, so pack as much hydration as possible into your skincare routine and your face will thank you - trust us. Always read the label, and avoid any products containing alcohol. Instead, look for ingredients like glycerin, silicones and salicylic acid - these hydration boosting superstars will replenish and revive dry, dehydrated skin in no time. For an extra hydration hit, apply a serum underneath your moisturiser. 

Your face is the only place that needs moisturising 

Your entire body feels the effects of the outside world - from hard water showers, cold winds and even sun damage, our skin really is up against it. It’s important to replenish all that lost moisture, so applying a nourishing body balm post shower will keep your skin healthy, soft and resilient. Using a high SPF daily is key, especially on exposed areas like your hands and neck. These are often the places that show visible signs of sun damage first, leading to leathery, thinning, wrinkle prone skin - and we like to think prevention before cure. Daily SPF and avoiding unnecessary UV exposure will help protect you from preventable skin cancer, so ditch the sunbeds and fake it till you make it - we love St. Tropez Self Tan Purity Mist for a healthy faux glow. 


Coconut oil is the best natural moisturiser

We’ve all heard the near magical benefits of coconut oil, but is it really a good moisturiser? The short answer is a definite NO. Coconut oil becomes waxy when cool, and creates a plastic like film over the skin, clogging pores and leaving skin unable to breathe. Clogged pores are a one way street to acne, blackheads and pimples, so drop the coconuts, now! For super soft, plump, hydrated skin, look for products containing Hyaluronic Acid (sometimes HA on the label). Not only is it suitable for all skin types, Hyaluronic Acid has insane water retention properties, and is packed with antioxidants that protect you from pollution and sun exposure - what's the catch, right? Well, there isn’t one - Hyaluronic Acid occurs naturally in the skin so there are no nasty side effects. Apply it before your moisturiser for ultra dewy, hydrated skin.

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