October Sneak Peek: Mudmasky

This October we are treating you to 5 products, and some extra treats! Your first product peek belongs to this powerful 'blue light protection mask' from Mudmasky and it is the perfect replacement for your daily moisturiser when you're working from home all day. 

Mudmasky Blue Light Protection


Why do we love it?

What more can we say other than this luxurious mask is built to sunblock your smartphone, laptop and TV! It prevents premature skin-aging caused by HEV-light, enriched with signature ingredients including Carnosine, Calendula and Moroccan Lava Clay. 

Carnosine boosts your skin’s natural defense against daylight and radiations. It holds powerful antioxidant properties that stimulate collagen as well as firming and smoothing the skin.

Rich in minerals, this natural clay mined from Morocco, aims to prevent dehydrated, sensitive skin, and enlarged pores. It also restores and strengthens the elasticity of the skin.

What’s not to love?

How do we use it?

  1. Wash your hands and face 
  2. Apply a thin layer to your face 
  3. Leave the face mask on during the day 

#MudmaskyTopTip: Always try to keep 60cm away from your blue light devices.

Get yourself an October box, here.

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