The Curator of May's Roccabox

Hi guys and welcome to the latest Roccabox brought to you by me, Lauren from Sassy In The City. 
Having worked in the magazine industry for many years, I've seen and read about so many beauty products - many of which are hero products and some which are just a fad. I've come to learn what works and what doesn't. I couldn't wait to team up with Roccabox to bring you a selection of my favourite beauty buys which I hope you'll love just as much as I do.
Don't forget to head over to after 3rd May for more details on each of the pieces and demonstrations on how I use them. They may be new ways of using them that you might not have even considered!
Have a great day,  
Lauren xx
IG: @sassyinthecityblog
Twitter: @MissLGraceMaher
Facebook: SassyInTheCityBlog

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