The New Cleansing Rules

So double-cleansing is now wrong and acids aren’t always our skin’s BFF: it’s time to start re-thinking your cleansing routine. According to a handful of dermatologists, some of the skin habits we’ve adopted on a regular basis, that we thought were giving us a good old healthy glow, may actually be doing our skin more harm than good. It seems that some of the elements of our routine – most notably our cleansing routine – could actually be having a negative impact on our skin in the long-term and so we need to re-address the way we cleanse. We know, we know- it’s yet another beauty thing that you just thought you’d nailed, a routine you had down to a T, that we’re now telling you is all wrong. But if your skin’s health is a priority and you’re open to tweaking your current skincare regime then keep reading, for the most up-to-date way to clean your skin.

Double cleansing shouldn’t be necessary…

One cleanse – done well – should be enough. If your skin is becoming taught and feeling (and looking) tight after a cleanse, you’ve gone too far. By over-cleansing your skin (that’s cleansing more than once, when it isn’t necessary) you run the risk of disrupting the skin’s natural barriers, leaving it susceptible to triggering skin issues, dryness and sensitivity. YES if you've just killed a particularly strenuous Bikram sesh and you're drenched in sweat, or you've gone slightly OTT with the contouring products, by all means, cleanse and cleanse again, but it shouldn’t be a part of your daily routine. A hard-working, make-up busting cleanser, based on oils that will melt away the grime and impurities, is all you should need in your daily routine. Try Bliss Fabulous Make Up Melt Gel-to-Oil Cleanser £24* for skin that is left deeply cleansed, yet soft and plump

…but cleansing TWICE a day, IS necessary

We aren’t ones to skip an evening cleanse – ok, sometimes when we’ve had a couple of glasses too many or we’ve binge-watched Power and fallen asleep on the sofa – but we don't have to remind you of what a no-no it is. Nighttime is when your skin rejuvenates and skin cells regenerate and this just can’t be done effectively when pores are full of impurities, oils, dirt and make-up. Not only that, if you haven’t cleansed then you sure as hell won’t be moisturizing/treating the skin with a serum or night cream, so that’s a double no-no. Morning cleansing is an area where we tend to need a little more convincing – seeing as we don’t wake up with a face full of make-up we often forgo a morning cleanse in favour of a lie-in, especially those of us that are evening-shower kinda peeps. But missing out on your morning cleanse is to miss a trick – a good morning clean will increase circulation, clear dead skin cells and serve us a great foundation for your follow-up products. Plus the massage action gives a natural flush to the complexion.

Avoid using acids daily:

Use a cleanser that is balanced with good active ingredients like salicylic, lactic or glycolic acid, which will assist in cleaning and unblock the skin, targeting issues such as dry skin and acne, but without stripping it. However start with executive cleanses when using these products, to build the skin’s resistance and reduce sensitization.

Don’t scrub those spots

Acne-sufferers often think that constantly cleansing the skin with abrasive cleansers will rid the skin of its spots, but often it just exacerbates the problem and leads to breakouts. Go gentle on problematic skin, using fingers to remove cleanser – or a muslin cloth used very gently. Pat wet skin dry rather than rubbing and stick to products designed for your skin type.


....cleanse with clean fingers

It makes complete sense right? But how many of you actually wash your hands before cleansing your face? Exactly. It’s one of those things that seems obvious once it’s pointed out to you….


*a deluxe sample can be found in your October Roccabox!

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