The Only Detox You’ll Need This Spring.

It’s supposed to be the time of year when we spring-clean our homes, but seriously, when the sun starts shining, there is little we feel like doing less than pulling on the marigolds. And while we’re told of the virtues of a detoxifying juice cleanse in the run up to summer, let’s face it: when the weather gets warmer there are better things to be doing, not to mention Aperols to be drunk.

One detox we do totally advocate though is a regular beauty de-clutter. Beauty junkies tend to accumulate a lot of products, so we see a little streamlining as an annual essential. We follow these three beauty detox rules, to keep our make-up bag slim, our skin glowing and our summer make-up on point. If you’re only going to follow one detox this spring, make it this one.


Ditch anything out-of-date

Make-up and skincare products expire, so to avoid the risk of break-outs and bacterial infections, follow the following ditch guide. Mascaras: keep for no longer than three months. Foundation and lipstick: hold on to for a year and then chuck. Liquid liners and concealers: bin after six months. To extend the life of anything from a pot or palette always wash your hands with antibacterial soap before using and make sure brushes get a thorough cleanse, using a brush cleanser or baby shampoo, once a fortnight. The same applies to your sharpeners, tweezers and make-up sponges.  You should also check your moisturiser, eye cream and sunscreen for an expiration date. If anything is showing signs of expiration (look for colour changes, separation and funky smells) throw it out! 


Switch up your moisturiser

Your skin’s needs change frequently. Hormonal fluxes, a change in weather and your diet, can all have an impact on what your skin requires. The seasonal switchover from winter to spring is another biggie so think about the ingredients your skin needs now. Skin tends to require more hydration in summer so consider switching to a product that boosts moisture levels and helps the skin to retain water, such as one containing Hyaluronic Acid. Lighter products feel more comfortable on the skin as the weather warms up and as the drying effects of cold windy weather become less of an issue, so if you favour a heavier cream in winter, try out a fluid. Certain skincare ingredients should be avoided or used less if you’re going to expose your skin to the sun, so reconsider your use of Retinol, Vitamin C and Glycolic Acid, saving products for evenings or avoiding them altogether. Finally, it goes without saying that you should be using a good quality sunscreen daily already, but if your sun exposure is going to increase in quantity or intensity then use a separate suncare product, in addition to your daily SPF-containing moisturiser.


Update your make-up 

Go brighter lighter and sunnier with your make-up. If you can only add two products to your make-up bag to give it a summer makeover, make it a coral blush and a pinky-coral lip colour, such as Smith & Cult’s Shining Lip Lacquer in ‘The Lovers’ £23. The former will warm the skin, and bring colour to pallid winter-worn skin, while the latter will brighten the entire face and looks seriously hot against matt (faux) tanned skin.