Three ways to boost your wellness at home

Self-care and wellness can mean something different to everyone, it could be sitting down with a cuppa to do your at home pedi, a walk with a podcast, or a facemask with your favourite book. Whichever it might be for you, here’s how we’re refreshing our wellness goals in April. 

  • Getting more sleep! 

  • Research suggests* that us women simply need more sleep than the average man (now we don’t feel so guilty about those afternoon naps).  

    It’s no surprise that the sleep-wake cycle is ruled by hormones. These hormones affect when a person feels tired, when they feel hungry and what happens to their skin. Women can experience hormonal changes each month and over the course of their lifetimes, which impact their circadian rhythms. 

    Make sure you’re prioritising getting your Zzzzs (and don’t feel guilty about it) especially at certain points in your hormonal cycle - trust us, you’ll feel better for it. 

  • Having 1 self-care evening a week 

  • Finding time for ‘you time’ is an important one! It allows you to take a break from everyday life and focus on your mental well-being. Taking care of your mind and body can boost your immune system and reduce the risk of illnesses too. 

    We’d recommend sitting down with herbal tea and putting on Olivia Attwoods ‘So Wrong It’s Right’ podcastand giving yourself a good old pamper. We love the Brush Works Cleansing Mask Applicator (found in our April Wellness Rituals ROCCABOX*) for use with your favourite face mask. *or you will get the Brush Works Defining Brow Set. 

    With Summer on the horizon it’s also the perfect time to give yourself an at home-pedi with the Manucurist Green Flash Polish which is also found in our April Wellness Rituals ROCCABOX. 

  • Being more conscious of nutrition 
  • Eating well and getting essential nutrients into your diet is the one of the best ways (in our opinion) to feel well from within. Simply starting our day with a glass of Free Soul Greens is a great way to boost energy & immunity from its 21 ingredients, plus it’s high in fibre to support digestion. 

    We also have been loving Dose Labs for mini boosts throughout our day - they have a great selection of Tasty gummies packed with a dose of vitamins, minerals & adaptogens, scientifically proven to support your brain function.

    *quotes and research taken from this website